
Cupcakes, Donuts, Sugar High,…

About a month or so ago, Toria begged me to go to her 1st grade celebration. After much contemplation, I decided to go. I’m glad I went; it was one of those moments in time that you can’t be replaced.

Its especially difficult to do as I work full time and I worry about the repercussions. Yet, as I’ve noticed there’s nothing to be said about your own children. Because they are the ones who will remember vividly these past memories.

To continue on, there was a brief introduction by the teacher followed by a poem reading by the entire class. Then each child went back to their seat. My daughter, Toria, showed me her class work in each subject. I saw how her work had improved from the previous year before. Its amazing to see how children can grow and change before your eyes.

I took many pictures as unfortunately last year’s pictures were lost. This time I made sure to post them before anything should happen to them.

What I cherished the most was Toria telling me, ” You’re the best mommy ever. Thank you for coming to my 1st grade celebration,” and gave me a tight squeeze. ❤



Silly Toria

3 thoughts on “Cupcakes, Donuts, Sugar High,…

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